Ground Transportation
Car Rental Agencies
Avis Rent-A-Car: (709) 896-5658
Budget Rent-A-Car: (709) 896-2973
National Car: (709) 896-5575
Taxi Companies
Cooney’s Taxi: (709) 896-3311
LAB Cabs: (709) 896-2929
Car Rental Agencies
Avis Rent-A-Car: (709) 896-5658
Budget Rent-A-Car: (709) 896-2973
National Car: (709) 896-5575
Taxi Companies
Cooney’s Taxi: (709) 896-3311
LAB Cabs: (709) 896-2929
Goose Bay Airport Corporation
P.O. Box 498, Stn. C
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
A0P 1C0
Air Terminal Hours
Disclaimer for Flight Information
Airline schedules may be changed without any knowledge or notification to the Goose Bay Airport Corporation (GBAC), especially during times of inclement weather or similar conditions. Under such conditions, GBAC recommends that parties requiring details of airline flights should contact their airline or their travel agent directly.